Monday 13 June 2011

Busy period....

Writing the blog after a long time, have been busy at work had a project testing phase and the go -live which happened last week...finally after a one and a half year with the project !

Have not been updating the blog since January 2011....
A lot has happened, the visit to India to attend the ritual after babaji's passed away. It was good to see Isha, who ran to my arms and was so happy to see all of us. The time spend with her was priceless...I miss her a lot and want to get her back to UK at the earliest.

February & March 2011
Was very busy with work for the preparation of country testing and dry runs for the country testing in March end.

April 2011
3 weeks of country testing and was travelling to Brussels every week to support the users. In the last week met old friends SP & Shekar in Brussels. It was a lovely time catching up with them and meeting their kids. Talking about the old days and listening to their story.

May 2011
Preparation for the go live and then cut over activities kept me working for long hours.

6th June 2011 - Finally the project went live and Mics joined his new job at London and now in the support period.

Shall try and update the blog regularly now...
