Wednesday 4 February 2015

Lack of words !

Me & my hubby don't by Apple product as they work along with other Apple product only and it is like they are trying to establish the monopoly and we are against any monopoly !! 

 I use android phone as it gives me access to internet to read news etc. But I don't check my FB or twitter on it as I do it everyday at night though I am an IT consultant I stay away from all modern gadgets as I see that they are distancing people communications rather than connecting them. Many years a ago we all used to write letters and posts then came the internet and we started writing emails and soon letters got forgotten. 

Then came social networking, facebook and people stopped writing emails and emails were forgotten, they only wrote on the FB walls and shared things about every activity of their day including nature calls ! 

With the advent of twitter and whatsapp now people just tweet and forward, share or #tag things so where is the connection !!! And people want to check it every 10 minutes to one hour there FB profile or twitter or whatsapp ! This is something I do not like and so check all these only once a day. Whatsapp I find myself checking in lunch breaks as it keeps me connected to my family and friends who are in separate groups and we exchange jokes and every day events.